Celebrating Year One!

Today marks the 1 year anniversary of the launch of The Eric D. Coleman Financial Group. What an amazing ride it has been. I still remember launch day. We had prepared posts for FB, Instagram, LinkedIN, Twitter, our website and even made a Youtube video. However, the day came and went without much fanfare at all. As I recall we only had 3 people view the Youtube video (me, Joan, and Rhema – the owners). But great success doesn’t often start with a bang but rather a silent whisper of confidence in the purpose and mission of “WHAT” are the “Possibilities” without being overly concerned about the “Obstacles”!

Well here we are one year later and the accomplishments to this point have been astounding, to say the least. To name a few, we have:

– Forged a Great Partnership with Planters Bank of Hopkinsville to help empower a broader audience of Wealth Builders and it is only beginning
– Coached 9 into step 4
– Assisted 9 with the start of their new business ventures
– Worked with 7 to purchase and organize their first real estate investments
– Helped 12 to position themselves for the purchase of their first or second home

I am encouraged and invigorated every day that I awake. Because I believe that we are destined to fulfill our mission in educating and empowering generations of individuals to take control of their personal finances and become Wealth Builders!

Thank you for your support and encouragement as we continue this journey of empowerment!

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Planters Bank Partnership

Planters Bank Partnership

PARTNERSHIP ANNOUNCEMENTEDC Financial & Planters BankPlanters Bank is excited to announce a new partnership with the Eric D. Coleman Financial Group entitled the Wealth Builder.  Wealth Builder is a four-step process that is designed to help participants achieve...

Natalie Webb

Natalie Webb

For the one-sentence testimony: For the first time in my adult life, I’m feeling positive, confident and excited about my finances and my financial future.